Thursday, October 29, 2009

Divine Intervention in My Social Life?

I'm starting to think that God is trying to send me some sort of sign that I should become a priest, because it seems like every attempt I've made to ask a girl out on a date has been either rejected, ignored, or foiled.  Just this afternoon, I finally caught up with this girl in one of my classes in whom I'd had an interest for quite some time now.  My plan was to casually (?) ask her what her plans were for the weekend, and,  if she indicated that she was free, to ask her to dinner and a movie.  Unfortch, in the middle of our conversation, she had to answer a phone call from her sister, and as she was on the phone, we reached the point where we went our separate ways.  I never did get to actually ask her for that date.  Coincidence?  I hardly think so?  And now I wonder, is God trying to tell me that I wasn't meant to be involved in a romantic relationship?  Or is it a sign of something else?  Whatever the case, I still can't believe the crappy luck I've had with women over the last God knows how many years of my life!  FML! 

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Paperless Revolution, and the Paper Counter-Revolution

Everyone's trying to go green these days.  Many businesses are trying to go paperless and run everything through the internet, and LoCo (oh, sorry - LU!) is no exception.  Almost all important forms can now be accessed online, our course catalog is going paperless, and most importantly, homework and reports can be turned in electronically.  Not all teachers have embraced this, and that's okay for the most part.  What's not okay is teachers asking for both an electronic copy and a hard copy.  Hel-loooo?  Isn't this completely defeating the purpose of allowing us to submit our work through Digital Dropbox or by email?  It's certainly not helping the environment any!  Besides, I don't have a printer of my own, and I really don't feel like leaving my room, making the trek to the computer lab (BTW, where is the closest one to Seton?), and waiting for one of LoCo's obnoxiously slow computers to start up and load my document - which I had to waste additional time emailing to myself, because the G:/ drive doesn't always work - just so I can print out something that I already emailed to the professor in sixty seconds flat.  I could have easily used that time to work on homework (right!), sleep (more likely), or even procrastinate on Facebook or (my newest option) post on my blog.