Wednesday, February 17, 2010

An Anniversary Tribute

I'd like to take this opportunity tonight to give a shout-out to my good friend and former roommate, Charles "C.G. Wacko" Clark and his blog, The Wacko Monologues, which celebrated its one-year anniversary today.  Charles, a writing major at Loyola, promotes his blog as "A Place for  Insight, Humor, and Breaking Taboos", and his posts run the gamut from opinions on the issues of the day, to insights into his own life, to samples of his own creative writing.  I started following the Monologues last summer, and it was the main inspiration for me to create MikeSpace last fall, as it really opened me up to the idea of using a blog to express ideas that would otherwise remain trapped in my head just waiting to get out.  The idea to make a Facebook fan page for my blog also came from Charles, and I continually look to his blog for guidance on how to improve my own - both the idea to link the posts on my Facebook page directly to MikeSpace's Blogspot page and the Visitor Counter were borrowed from The Wacko Monologues.  If you get the chance, check out Charles' work at; he usually posts several times a week, and his writing is always entertaining and often makes you think in ways you never would have thought before. 

Charles, allow me to thank you for inspiring me to not be afraid to express myself.  Congratulations on the one-year anniversary of The Wacko Monologues, and here's to many more - may they be even more successful than the first!  I look forward to reading and enjoying your work for hopefully many years to come!

To conclude like the Master himself...



1 comment:

  1. so guess who went and got one of these blogspot things? ha.
    word to your mother. If in fact she remembers me, which she probably does not. :P
