Monday, March 22, 2010

She's Just Not That Into Me

Last night at Senior 75's, I discovered yet another of my pet peeves: guys who try to convince me that a certain female friend of theirs is into me when it's blatantly obvious she isn't.  Basically, a friend of some friends of mine is all like, "Dude, you should dance with this girl [pointing at her behind her back]; she really likes you!" but when I try to dance with her, she so coyly maneuvers away from me, so I'm thinking, okay, maybe she's just a little shy, and then this guy's like, "Seriously, man, she likes you!" while said girl is meanwhile dancing with him along with another girl whom this guy's implying is his girlfriend, and by this point I'm realizing that something just isn't jiving here, so I surreptitiously walk away from them.  Now, I can't really tell whether (a) this girl really does like me, but she's trying to mess with my mind, (b) this guy seriously believes, albeit mistakenly, that this girl is into me, or (c) he's lying to me outright.  Seriously, guys, cut the bull crap!  I've been burned too many times before because of people like you who think it's funny to play mind games with an introverted geek like myself who at 22 still can't even get a girl to have lunch with him.  Even a girl's female friends aren't entirely trustworthy, either, as I've learned from experience.  I'll believe that a girl is interested in me only when she tells me in person.  And even then, there's no way to tell if she really means it or not.  But that's for another post...


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