Tuesday, September 29, 2009

About My New Blog

Oh hey!  I'm so glad you made it!

First, I apologize for any confusion stemming from the title of my blog being different from the URL.  I intended to make the URL "mikespace.blogspot...etc." for easy remembering, but it seems that there's someone else out there named Mike who thinks along the same creative lines as me.  So just remember that you have to add the word "blog" after "mikespace". 


Yes, I too have caved in to the man and jumped aboard the blogging bandwagon.  I needed some place to get random thoughts out of my head.  Some of these were too long to post as Facebook statuses, or too random to be worth posting as notes.  That's where this blog comes in.  I think the easiest way to describe this blog is to break down what you should and should not expect to see. 

What might be on this blog:
  • Short, random thoughts.  This will probably be my most frequent type of post. 
  • Some longer posts about topics of concern to me.  
  • Recipes.  I love to cook, and I often experiment with different recipes I find on the web or in cookbooks, so I may post recipes I like from time to time.  
  • Recommendations of movies, books, music, websites, and other stuff that I like.  
  • Basically, in the words of Napoleon Dynamite, "Whatever I feel like, gosh!"  
What won't be on this blog: 
  • Status updates.  That's what my Facebook page is for.   
  • Organized writing.  I'm a mathematician, not a writer, and I just want to express myself without the constraint of trying to sound eloquent.  Therefore, I don't plan to care about the organization of my writing.  If you want to read Pulitzer-worthy writing, get off your computer and visit your local library.  (Plug!)
I think that's about it.  Hope you enjoy reading my blog, and stay tuned.


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