Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I was reading a post on a friend's Facebook this evening about people not dressing appropriately for formal occasions, which reminded me of this.  Last Saturday at Loyola's Honors Convocation, I saw at least two of my classmates wearing hats.  Not top hats or bowlers or anything classy like that.  I'm not going to name names, but there was one guy wearing a baseball cap, and another guy wearing a woolen ski cap, which was clearly not a yarmulke because it had some sort of logo on it.  This really irritated me.  Were you born in a barn or something?  This wasn't a hip-hop party, this was an Honors Convocation, which, the last time I checked, was a formal event.  Wearing a hat with formal attire not only looks uncivilized, but also degrades the dignity of an academic ceremony and shows that you don't take pride in your school or in your accomplishments, because you obviously don't have enough pride to dress and behave in a fitting manner.  Unless it's for religious reasons or to cover up a serious head injury, hats have no place at a formal ceremony. 

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