Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ohmigod... Shoes!

I hate shopping for shoes.  Anytime I go shopping for shoes, I can never seem to find a pair that fits me just right, because I have such weirdly shaped feet.  Every pair I try on always seems to have something uncomfortable about it.  Either the toes are too cramped, the arch is too high, or the heel is too loose.  Take today, for instance.  I was at Wal-Mart (yes, I shop at Wal-Mart - gotta save every dollar I can!) looking for a new pair of sneakers, because my old ones had fallen into a serious state of disrepair while I was at school.  I was hoping to find a decent pair of running shoes, so I could take up jogging again without hurting my knees as much.  I only found one pair of running shoes that fit me... or at least the right shoe did.  When I tried on the left shoe, I found that the arch was shaped weird, and it didn't fit.  So apparently, my left foot is actually shaped differently from my right foot!  Un-freakin'-believeable!  I ended up just buying a pair of regular sneakers that actually fit me, having decided that I can always buy a pair of running shoes some other time.  Right now, just having a pair of sneakers that doesn't have holes in it is better than nothing. 


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