Tuesday, September 27, 2011

If You Can't Tweet 'Em... (Part 1)

Okay, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who's completely pissed off about this new look that Facebook has.  Just when I'm finally getting used to the last big change they made, they go and revamp it completely, just to mess with me.  And last night, I saw on MSNBC.com that they're gonna make yet another big change pretty soon, turning the Wall into something called a Timeline or some other shitake mushroom like that.  It hasn't happened to my profile yet, but from what I saw from the preview, I'm not too impressed.

The harsh reality is, Facebook is slowly turning into Twitter, and I don't like it one bit.  I do not have a Twitter, and I never will, because I really don't need to know what Katy Perry ate for breakfast this morning or every other little insignificant thing that's going on in everyone's life, and I already waste enough time on Facebook as it is.  It was already annoying enough when Twitter crept into my Facebook news feed.  I was okay with people linking their Twitter posts to their Facebooks, but then it evolved (or should I say degenerated?) to the point where people were typing their Facebook statuses in Twitter format, plaguing my eyes with hashtags throughout their posts.  Every time I see one of those random phrases with a # in front of it - especially in the middle of a sentence - it makes me want to reach through my wireless router and beat the offending poster about the head and torso, all the while screaming, "THIS AIN'T F**KIN' TWITTER, YOU F**KIN' MORON!"  People who put hashtags in their statuses should be crucified on a cross that's shaped like one of those #'s.  (*Bonus points to anyone who knows what the grammatical name for the pound sign is.) 

Okay, so maybe I'm being a little overdramaculous (in the words of Dubya).  But still, it makes it hard to read when you have a #randompunctuationmark with a #bunchofwordsstrungtogether in the middle of a sentence like that.  #andthoserandomwordstringsafterwardlikethisarealsoannoying.  See what I mean?  That's why, a few weeks ago, I decided to strike back at the Tweeters (Twitterers?  Not sure what they're called...) who constantly pollute my Facebook by inserting random hashtags throughout my Facebook status.  The next level will be to hashtag random, insignificant words like "#the", "#and", "#etc".  I'm not sure if it'll actually set anything off on Twitter, but I'm pretty sure at the very least it'll annoy the hell out of those hashtagging bastards.  It almost sounds like I'm caving in, but I see it as more like striking back at them with their own weapons.  Like they say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

I've barely even scratched the surface of my main argument - that Facebook is slowly turning into Twitter - but I don't feel like writing a really long post that I might not finish tonight (my attention span has been getting shorter and shorter these days), and I should give all of y'all out there in Reader Land some time to digest this first rant.  I promise, I'll finish things up soon, if not tonight or tomorrow.  Till then, #stayfrostyyall!


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