Thursday, November 24, 2011

Halftime Hullabaloo in Detroit

A few weeks ago, all hell broke loose in Detroit when the NFL announced that Nickelback would be performing during halftime of the Lions' Thanksgiving Day game.  There was even a petition started on by a University of Michigan student to get a different act for the halftime show.  I'd just like to say... Really?  For one thing, that website was intended to be used for legitimate humanitarian purposes, not for something as trivial as who's performing at a halftime show.  More importantly, I'm more than a little miffed about all the bitching from the people of Detroit, because Nickelback happens to be my favorite band, and I'm really looking forward to seeing them perform on Thursday afternoon. 

I haven't seen this much hatred for a musical group since my classmates in middle school taunted me mercilessly because I listened to N*Sync (see "Boy Bands", 29 May 2010), and frankly, I don't understand why.  I know that a lot of their music is about partying, sex, and drugs, but isn't all that and much worse things the main theme of the entire hip-hop genre these days?  Moreover, most of Nickelback's more popular songs, such as "If Everyone Cared" and their newest single "When We Stand Together", are not only absent these kind of adult topics, but are actually pretty meaningful and thought-provoking if you actually listen to the lyrics.  My favorite song has been "Gotta Be Somebody" (which I currently have as my ringtone), because (until recently), it was a song that I could relate to as someone who'd been single all his life.  A lot of people just don't like their style of music, to which I say, hey, that's your opinion.  Different people have different tastes in music, and I respect that, but that's no reason to protest the halftime performance of a football game.  I mean, did anyone in Dallas start a petition to stop the Jonas Brothers (who, in my opinion - and I'm sure a lot of people will back me up on this - sound more like the Jonas Sisters) from performing during the Cowboys' Thanksgiving game in 2008?  No.  So why the big deal now? 

I'm aware of Detroit's rich music history, and I can somewhat understand the desire to have someone local perform at the halftime show, rather than a band from Canada.  But again, look at the halftime performers for the Dallas games in recent years.  Neither Carrie Underwood (Oklahoma), the Jonas Brothers (New Jersey), nor Daughtry (North Carolina) are from Texas, but no one had a problem with any of them performing at halftime.  Not to mention that the Goo Goo Dolls, who performed at Detroit's halftime show in 2007, are from Buffalo, but no one was up in arms then.  So why all the fuss now?  If Detroit really wanted to promote their local music, why did they have the Rolling Stones (who are not even from the U.S., and, at a combined age of over 250, are way too old to be dancing around on stage anyway) perform during halftime of Superbowl XL?  My point is, it's not going to kill the people of Detroit to have an outside artist performing during their Thanksgiving game. 

So to all those folks in Detroit who don't want to see Nickelback perform at halftime this Thanksgiving, I offer these four words:  F@#$%in' deal with it!  If you don't want to hear them, you can just change the channel (or better yet, turn off your TV and enjoy some quality time with loved ones) if you're watching at home; or, if you're at the stadium, use that time to go to the restrooms or the concession stands.  Or maybe even - gasp! - just watch the show, and who knows?  You might actually like one of Nickelback's songs if you give them a chance.  At any rate, the people of Detroit should, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, just be thankful they even get to host a Thanksgiving Day game at all, because with the way the Lions have been playing the last ten years, they don't really deserve to have one! 

Okay, I'm done ranting.  Now I can actually enjoy my Thanksgiving.  In spite of all the hardship I've been through this year, I've got a lot to be thankful for - my health, my family, my friends, my amazing girlfriend, and all of y'all out there in Reader Land who take the time to read my blog.  Have a happy Thanksgiving, and as always, stay frosty, y'all! 



  1. Nickelback has been playing the same song for years and just renaming it. They are awful and that is the main reason people complained. The number of times people vandalized their wikipedia page should cast some insight to that. If I had tickets to that game and found out that I would be forced to listen to that crap I would be pissed too. So, you are too biased to see why everyone was so angry. Their is much better music than the commercialized crap they force feed you. Try finding it.

    And you can't complain about the Rolling Stones. They are extremely well liked and well respected. Also, they are known for their live performances for 40 years.

  2. Nobody was offended by the fact that Nickelback's lyrics are about partying, or sex, or peace on earth.
    Nobody was offended that Nickelback is from Canada.
    Everybody was offended that Nickelback sucks, and they had to sit through a miserable performance. And worst yet, a band that we have been trying to kill since their first single debuted is continuing to profit without merit.
