Saturday, December 19, 2009

Gotta Catch 'Em All... Again?

Today, I gave into the new trend that's been sweeping the Facebook community this month - Pokemon Profile Pic December - thus breaking the promise I made to myself when I first joined Facebook that I wouldn't make a picture my profile pic unless my face was clearly visible, 'cuz how else would people know what I look like?  But for some odd reason, I just couldn't help myself.  I will admit, it was a somewhat difficult decision as to which Pokemon I'd use.  I'd originally planned to use Charmander, since that was my favorite one back in the day, but I ultimately went with Totodile, since it identified more with my hyperactive nature. 

But I wonder, where did this idea come from?  Was it something instituted by the people on 4Chan?  Or did it come from somewhere else?  And why the sudden revival of the Pokemon craze?  As far as I could tell, Pokemon had been pretty much out of style with my age group for the last eight or nine years.  I distinctly remember, because it became uncool as I soon as I started playing the games, watching the show, and buying the cards.  (Oh, man, how much money did I waste on Pokemon cards that could have been put to much better use today?... but that's for another post...)  I guess it's just like a lot of other old trends - sometimes they come back into fashion just because people are curious.  I highly doubt, though, that Pokemon Profile Pic December is signaling the complete re-emergence of the Pokemon fad.  I think it's just 'cuz people are feeling a tad nostalgic and want a small reminder of what life was like back in middle school (was it really that long ago?  Daaaang!)  Also, I'm pretty sure that, like other trends, this one will soon cease to be cool now that Mike Paul is doing it.  I always seem to be the extra passenger that overloads the bandwagon and causes it to break down.  Seriously, it's more than just a coincidence that Pokemon went out of style as soon as I joined the craze, so what's to say that I haven't killed off the Profile Pic trend already?  But in the meantime, though I initially found this trend annoying, I now find it kind of amusing to see how many of my friends recall those days and what different kinds of Pokemon they choose (pun kinda intended!) 


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