Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Ahh, New Year's Eve... a day of special significance for me, because it just so happens to be the anniversary of the birth of one Michael David Paul...

Actually, what I'd like to write about today is New Year's resolutions, because I'm pretty sure I'm about to break the only New Year's resolution that I've ever been able to keep for an entire year, a resolution that I made three or four years ago: to stop making New Year's resolutions.  Because let's face it - no one ever really manages to keep their New Year's resolutions past January, do they?.  So I said to myself, why even bother trying anymore?

However, in light of my experiences this past semester, I really feel that I need to make some serious changes in my life (cue a certain Michael Jackson song).  I've let myself waste too much time on the internet and stayed up til ungodly hours of the night.  As a result of my actions, I've deprived myself of much-needed sleep and neglected my studies.  While a 3.66 GPA isn't too shabby to most people, I know I could have achieved my goal of getting a 4.0 last semester if only I'd put more time into my schoolwork.  Last semester was the first time I've ever flat-out refused to finish a paper by the due date simply because I wasn't feeling up to it, both physically and psychologically.  I've also fallen back into the bad habit of consuming large amounts of less-than-healthy food, and I haven't had any major exercise since the beginning of the semester.  I'm gaining back the inches around my midsection that I've so desperately tried to lose these last few years, and overall, I just don't have the energy or the willpower that I used to have.  And all of this really makes me feel down in the dumps.


Here are my resolutions for 2010:

1) Start on my homework as early as possible, and not put it off until late at night, when I'm too tired to do it.
2) Cut down on the time I spend on the internet.  
2) Go to bed before 1 a.m. on school nights, 3 a.m. on weekends.
3) Do at least thirty minutes of jogging or swimming every other day, as the health of my knees permit.
4) Meditate at least every other day (a practice I learned in my Japanese Philosophy class last semester that I'd like to continue).
5) Be more punctual, instead of stumbling into class several minutes late.
6) Limit my consumption of junk food.

I know these are some pretty lofty ambitions, but I think it's all a matter of attitude.  In the words of Master Yoda, "Try not.  Do."

I wish you all a happy, prosperous, and safe 2010 and beyond.  And for those of you who are actually making New Year's resolutions, I wish you the very best of luck.  May you find the strength, both from without and from within, to not only achieve your goals, but to excel at them.  Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for me to get a head start on Resolution # 2.  I won't start on # 6 until after the New Year actually begins, though, because there's still birthday cake and ice cream to be enjoyed!


P.S.  For those of you who are trying to lose weight or just live a healthier lifestyle, I highly recommend Mike Huckabee's book, Quit Digging Your Grave with a Knife and Fork.  It's a very unique, down-to-earth approach that I believe is accessible to anyone.

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