Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"We Wish You a Merry Christmas"...?

As Christmas approaches, the air is filled with the sounds of familiar Christmas carols.  But does anyone really stop and think about what the lyrics actually say?  For example, I've always found the lyrics to the second verse of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" kind of counter to the whole spirit of the season.  Y'know, the line that goes, "Now bring us some figgy pudding (repeat 3x)"?  The song starts out sounding real sweet and sincere, but then they go and throw in the demand for a sugary snack that I'm not even sure anyone makes anymore... and they don't even say "please"!  This could inspire a rather comical scene on someone's doorstep:  "Wait a minute... you're not really here to wish me a Merry Christmas!  You just want some of my figgy pudding!"  "Yeah, that's right!  And we're not going til we get some!  So fork it over!"  I'm just grateful they leave the demand at figgy pudding.  Can you imagine someone trying to rob a bank with that kind of ploy?  "Merry Christmas!  Now gimme all your money!"  Umm, yeah... maybe parents shouldn't teach that song to their kids until they're old enough to learn some manners. "Merry Christmas, Mommy!  Now buy me that tricycle!" 

If I don't post again before then, I wish all of you out there in Reader Land a Merry Christmas!  And no, you don't have to give me any figgy pudding... though I could go for a Boston Creme Pie...


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